Life After the Death of A Child

There are lingering stages to living after the loss of a loved one. Mine started with the loss of my mother shortly after her lung cancer diagnosis in 2008.

The doctors gave her eight months to a year to live. Several of my family members and I gave my mother hope and purpose to extend her life beyond the implied date. Our rally and support of her physical and mental well-being extended my mother’s life by another eight years. We fed her mind with optimism and positivity, and we regularly worked with her physical well-being through a regular exercise regimen. We enjoyed trips to the gym, going for walks, and added natural supplements to her diet. These combined efforts contributed to prolonging her life past the year the doctors gave her. The supplements stood out in my mind. I realized the supplements were killing parasites and other negative invaders that altered her cells. This was my first awakening to the impact of natural supplements for total body wellness.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”

– Shawshank Redemption

Fire Pit

I thought fighting to keep my mother alive was challenging. However, I would soon discover a bigger challenge would be dealing with my son’s addiction to the streets, following his return from deployment. The issues that come along with his “street life” included surrounding himself in the company of the wrong type of friends and women. The company he was keeping yielded to his physical and mental demands and eventually took his life. Searching desperately for solutions to his physical, emotional, and spiritual pitfalls, my son’s escape to the streets caused him to plummet.

As a parent of a child who suffers from addiction, the struggle to deviate his mind from the dark to the light was never-ending. Gone was the young man I had known and loved for 37 years. To know the real heart and potential of your child while standing witness to his self-destruction is truly devastating. His brother and sister who he had lived life and shared experiences were also beside themselves in bewilderment and heartbreak that their love could not break the trance of addiction.

Jim Rohn

Take care of your body. It is the only place you have to “live”.

Judea, my son, a compassionate and caring soul, had given up all hope of ever returning after opening Pandora’s Box. The year was 2020 and Thanksgiving marked the start of yet another misfortune in his life, causing him to spiral toward the “escape” that drugs offered. Little did I know that Christmas 2020 would be my last with him. He was leaving my home and vowed he would return for his family and kids, feeling excited about his new ventures and the changes he thought he was creating.

On February 29, 2020, I received the dreadful call that Judea, my son, had passed away from this world and joined the next. My heart stopped, my body shook, and all I could manage was a jumbled combination of screams and moans. Since that call, my life has never been the same. For nearly 5 years Holidays brought angst. Yes, the physical passing of my youngest son almost caused me to lose everything—my home, my sanity, my spiritual faith, and my physicality.

In the span of three years, I had lost my mother to cancer, my youngest son to addiction, my older son to estrangement, my grandmother, and my only daughter vanished from my life – taking with her my grandchildren who I had been parenting for more than eight years. 

My eldest son’s mental stability was lost, along with his humble voice. He was broken emotionally and spiritually following the passing of his brother.  

I had to act quickly because my life had taken a drastic turn and was spiraling out of control. I had never imagined that I would lose my youngest son in this lifetime, that my oldest son would become ill due to his negative, emotional mindset, and that my only daughter would leave me and take my grandchildren.

Through my tears, my aching heart, and my mind playing tricks on me, I realized that I had to refocus on “ME” because if I didn’t, I would lose everything—my amazing spouse, the great people I love – and more. I am certain, one day I will eventually see my grandchildren again. I don’t want them to see me damaged, weeping, and depressed. It was then that I immersed myself into my studies to reinvent a new “ME.”

I have committed my passion to work on projects that help others suffering from depression, addiction, PTSD, and other mental disease. Working on projects that keep my memories of Judea has become rewarding. 

MicroDaily EMF

Micro Daily™ →

Scientifically validated formula as Micro Daily EMF Capsules.

  • Natural Ingredients
  • Stevia Sweetened for Zero Calories
  • Maximum Absorption

SuperMix™ →

This tasty, tropical beverage mix provides a potent daily dose of moringa to supercharge your health and wellbeing.

  • Supports healthy body function and overall wellbeing
  • Uses shade-dried moringa oleifera leaves, seeds, and fruit
  • No artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, or preservatives

Healing through balance and purpose.

I started working with healthcare organizations that provided wellness to the body and mind and help to bring the body back into balance. I studied the impact of plant based supplements and essential oils to treat various disorders. I immersed myself in my stuidies and completed my Bachelor’s, Master’s degrees. I am currently working on my doctoral degree, with a target completion year of 2025.

Throughout this journey, I have volunteered to raise teenage foster boys so I can help other children struggling with displacement. I have become aware that I need to put my energy into action and strive toward a balanced mind, body, and spirit to save my soul.

Natural Balance

Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not nearly the absence of disease or infirmity.

– World Health Organization

Through the disasters that have befallen me on my journey, I have discovered how to “Live” and navigate the valley of life that has been dealt to me, enabling me to “Rise” by examining my mental and physical well-being and developing CMoore.Health to assist those looking for an alternative.